I have worked with thousands of farmers and gardeners over the years through my journey in agriculture. I have learned as much from them as they have from me.
I wish I had done a better job cataloging all the successful projects over the years, but just like anyone pursuing their passions sometimes you don't know where you are going to end up!
Here are some of the success stories. Here's to make some new ones with you and your garden of farm ;)
“Evan makes a good grower great and a great grower a legit green thumb.”
Joe Phillips Issaquah, WA
“You will love working with Evan. He is at the top of my list.”
Pat Vlach Wilmington, NC

"I have been using your products and Soil Test Solutions, and have clover, peas and vetch up past my knees in a pasture that barely grew rye last year. The results are increasing exponentially.
I am carrying 7 cow units per acre as opposed to traditional 1/5 cow unit per acre. Total of 28,500 lbs of beef on 4 acres as opposed to 800 lbs on 5 acres.
Yes it has improved greatly with your advice. I would say we have increased production of grass and therefore beef. I will see in the next year how "we" do. Hopefully, we can increase to about 35,000 lbs per 4 acres. I will be doing another soil test soon.”
Ed Waldron
Groesbeck, TX
“Standing ovation! It's only been a couple of weeks since you treated our front lawn with your "natural approach" and already our neighbors are calling to ask what we're doing to make our lawn look so great. You're a miracle worker. I can't thank you enough. We tried four different lawn care companies in four years - all of whom do the same thing with liquid fertilizers and weed killers. Their treatments apparently don't work. But your "natural approach" treatment works!”
Joel Werblow Wilmington, NC
"First off, thank you for your interest in me. Never have I had someone show so much interest in their clients. My testimonial is simple and the results are documented.
I saw my field and neighbors fields slowly loosing production. These fields were receiving synthetic fertilizers. This action prompted me to evaluate my field’s health. After lots of book reading I found the simple truth in the soil and microbiology. Then I found Evan who introduced me to compost tea and biodynamics.
Last season growth and yield from our hay field almost doubled after 2 applications of biodynamic compost tea. This season is matching last year for harvesting bales of hay. Last season and this season both, our family is eating fresh produce, it's August 2nd. Our neighbors pepper field hasn't fruited yet.
Thanks again for showing interest in me, the little guy who's trying to do it right."
Greg Canyon City, CO
“I love it! After not being able to produce a successful garden I found Evan, and now my garden produced the most veggies and the largest cherry tomatoes I have ever seen! Thank you!”
Violet Murray Wilmington, NC
"We have been learning about minerals and microbiology as a company for a number of years and you have done a great job at organizing and simplifying the information for newbie as well as people that have been farming their entire lives!"
Mark and Joey Salinas, CA
“In the short time that I have been using the principles you have recommended, I am finding that the results seem to be quite amazing. The vegetables are lush, vibrant and very healthy and what I find most remarkable is that when I eat primarily from my garden, the processed food cravings that I have had, are almost entirely absent. My conclusion which is not really a new one at all is that the food from the store is severely lacking in nutrition."
Frank Canada
“Evan is fantastic! So helpful & very encouraging!”
Casey Stone Clark Wilmington, NC

"Everyone that sees my garden says the okra are the largest they’ve ever seen. Currently approx. seven feet tall and growing about two inches a day. My goal is to get them to twelve feet before the frost. Biweekly applications of compost tea is all they seem to need. The gardens of most of my friends growing conventionally bit the dust back in July, but mine is still growing strong."
Teddy A. Wilmington, NC
“Thank you for all your great emails. I look forward to them every week. Thank you for all your enlightening information.”
William Waltz Unknown
“After spending countless hours and literally thousands of dollars on conventional fertilizers and lawn treatments I was still having problems with dead spots, weeds, and insects.
I finally decided consult a professional. You came to my home for an evaluation and although I was skeptical at first, you knew exactly what to do and the results exceeded my expectations. I've gotten numerous compliments about my lawn. I only wish I had known about the natural approach a long time ago and I recommend you to everyone.”
Jeff Stidham Boiling Spring Lakes, NC